22 November 2018
Kazan University visited by Head of Federal Archival Agency Andrei Artizov

The guest toured several facilities on 21st November.

Mr. Artizov, accompanied by First Vice-Rector Riyaz Minzaripov and Director of the Institute of International Relations Ramil Khayrutdinov, visited museums, Lenin Memorial Classroom, Section of Manus­cripts and Rare Books of the Lobachevsky Library, and proceeded to give a lecture to the students of the Institute of International Relations.

He spoke about the Archival Agency's current objectives and cooperation with universities. Students asked questions about practical matters, such as salary and career advancement opportunities in this rather specific field. Speaking about opportunities, KFU and State Archival Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan plan to launch a scholarship contest for students. Andrei Artizov noted that this is a good example for other provinces of Russia.

The most intriguing question which arose during the discussion was about the most stunning document Dr. Artizov has ever seen. He pondered for a little while but then decided that it was an order signed by Ivan Kalita, the Grand Duke of Moscow in the 14th century.

Finally, it was revealed that the Institute of International Relations plans to launch a bachelor program in document management and archive administration in 2019.

Source text: Alina Iskanderova

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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