09 October 2018
Kazan University is third in Russia in international enrolment

The number of international students has risen to 6,657 persons from 94 countries.

Overall, Russia is currently a home for 270 thousand international students, 70 thousand of whom are from the CIS countries.

First place this year goes to Saint-Petersburg State University with 4,200 applications. RUDN University is the second with 3,378 prospective new students. Kazan University can welcome 2,194 foreign nationals, with the most popular majors being general medicine, economics, international relations, management, and law. For the whole country, the top five sources of new admissions are Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, and Algeria.

According to the Director of KFU's International Office Andrey Krylov, 1,852 have arrived so far, with more to come because many students from distant destinations are still on their way to Russia.

Apart from universities' own websites, the main gateway for international students is www.russia.study, the official national portal for admission applications.

Source text: Kristina Ivanova

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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