16 August 2018
Roundtable on STEM education held at International Schoolteachers Festival

New educational programs and study materials for secondary and tertiary institutions were discussed on August 15th.

Rector Ilshat Gafurov proposed to arrange talks after the Festival guests attended the ongoing exhibition. At the roundtable, Kazan University was also represented by Timerbulat Samerkhanov (Director, IT Lyceum) and Yelena Skobeltsyna (Director, Lobachevsky Lyceum). The other participants were mostly suppliers of educational equipment, tools, textbooks, and automated teaching assistance systems.

Natalia Mikhaylova, Research Supervisor at the Association of Art Market Participants, told the audience about a STEM park which was recently opened in Moscow. At the park, high-tech equipment manufacturers directly partake in educational activities.

Another idea floated at the meeting was to more actively utilize IT in teacher-student and teacher-employer interactions. Rector Gafurov confirmed that the University is open for such initiatives. He put forth a proposal to organize a joint educational company and test its capabilities at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Yelabuga Institute. The company will be tasked with yielding maximum results from implementing newest digitization achievements in education. Kids as young as junior school may be involved.

The Rector thanked the experts for their constructive contributions to understanding how education can be a key resource for innovative development on a national level.

Source text: Yevgeny Darichev

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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