20 July 2018
Kazan Federal University and Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service gear up to sign double diploma agreement

Rector of SIES Muhiddin Pulatov visited on 19th July.

The guests toured the Main Building and stayed at the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance for negotiations. Rector Pulatov and Rector Ilshat Gafurov exchanged opinions on how to promote cooperation. Dr. Gafurov proposed a joint degree deal – both sides will provide online classes to their students, and junior or senior year students from SIES can come to Kazan for on-site tuition. Service, tourism and trade are the primary majors for consideration, but the exact list needs further adjustment.

Director of the Institute of Management Nailya Bagautdinova came to Samarkand earlier this year. She discussed research, academic exchange, publications, dissertation boards, and programs in nature management, geography, tourism, and service with colleagues from SIES.

Overall, KFU has 13 partner institutions in Uzbekistan. However, economics and management have not yet been among areas of collaboration.

Source text: Darya Bondarenko

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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