07 June 2018
Kazan University, Bars Group and RT Labs unite to establish a nonprofit for digital medicine

An agreement was signed today at Innopolis University.

The signatories were Vice-Rector of KFU Andrey Kiyasov, General Director of RT Labs Mikhail Bondarenko, and General Director of Bars Group Timur Akhmerov.

The three sides combine their potential to establish this new nonprofit called Center of Competences in Digital Medicine and Healthcare. The entity will develop and popularize telemedicine, AI tech, and diagnostics support in all types of medical facilities. It will also join initiatives within a wider framework of the Digital Economy program.

In July 2017, the Government of Russia approved a comprehensive set of measures for the implementation of telemedicine services. In particular, it covers electronic document exchange, electronic prescriptions, the Unified State Information System of Healthcare, and telemedicine.

Digital medicine and its applications is currently one of the priorities for the KFU’s biomedical cluster, which is headed by Andrey Kiyasov.

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