12 January 2018
IQSA-2018 registration

Acronym: IQSA-2018

Dates: Monday, July 16, 2018

Web page: Conference website

Registration deadline: Thursday, May 31, 2018

Submission deadline: Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Quantum structures

Location: Kazan Federal University, Ulitsa Kremlevskaya 35, Kazan, Respublika Tatarstan, 420111

Kazan Russia 55° 47' 25.6092" N, 49° 7' 17.166" E See map: Google Maps

“IQSA-2018” is a major international conference integrating all fields of quantum mechanics and its applications. It provides an important opportunity for researchers to disseminate their results and to obtain feedback both from their peers and from senior members of the community. Owing to its interdisciplinary and foundational character, the objective of the conference is to encourage communication between researchers throughout the world whose research is related to:
- quantum structures and their applications in physics, mathematics and philosophy
- logico-algebraic structures, orthomodular structures
- quantum mechanics
- quantum measurements
- quantum computation, quantum information, quantum communication
- quantum probability
- interdisciplinary applications of quantum structures
- algebraic methods of quantum mechanics
- interdisciplinary applications of quantum structures