05 April 2018
KFU and Zarubezhneft to start second stage of catalyst testing at Boca de Jaruco oilfield in Cuba

Lab tests have been successfully completed.

The catalysts will be used for cyclic steam stimulation. As the tests have shown, the catalysts allow for the 30-40% refining of the heavy oil components in the reservoir. They also decrease oil viscosity threefold.

These particular catalysts were designed specifically with the Cuban oil in mind. All peculiarities of Boca de Jaruco were taken account of, including significant depth and extreme temperatures. The reservoirs consist of carbonate rocks. KFU has already had the experience of individual catalyst design – a project with Tatneft in Russia for shallow reservoirs of highly viscous oils in terrigenous collectors. These new catalysts are also effective for other rocks and depths (about 600 to 700 meters).

The second stage will be conducted on oil-displacement equipment which models temperature and pressure in reservoirs at depths down to several kilometers. It is expected that the tests will have been completed by the end of 2018. Further down the road, field tests at Boca de Jaruco will follow.

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