01 February 2018
KFU to Become First Russian University with Academic Partnerships in Peru

A delegation to the Latin American country is headed by Professor Ramil Khayrutdinov.

The visit became a result of a systemic work with Peruvian colleagues. The invitation was sent by Cesar Vallejo University. Rector Humberto Llempen Coronel and his colleagues thanked the delegation of the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies for their interest to Latin American culture and history. The sides agreed on the most promising cooperation areas that will be mentioned in the upcoming memorandum of understanding.

Another visited institution was the National University of San Marcos – the oldest national university in Latin America, founded in 1551. During the preliminary negotiations with the Head of International Cooperation Commission Hector Maldonado, the parties confirmed their willingness to sign a cooperation agreement.

As for the main vectors of joint work in both cases, they are international relations, history, archaeology, and cultural heritage. Academic exchange is also planned.

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