20 December 2017
Eight KFU Projects to be Financed by the Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises

In total, 29 projects from Tatarstan won this year's UMNIK (Participant of the Youth Science and Innovation Contest) grants of 500 thousand rubles each.

The funding will be distributed along the next 2 years. Notably, 26 of the 29 abovementioned applications also won the 50 Best Innovative Ideas for Tatarstan competition, which will give them additional 220 thousand rubles.

UMNIK was launched in 2007. So far, 535 Tatarstani projects have won, with a total funding of 224 million rubles.

Among the winning topics for young KFU employees are test systems for breast cancer, polypropylene additives, laser removal of atherosclerotic spots, LiSrAlF6 crystal growth appliances, test systems for the activity of anti-tumor substances, active substrates of Raman scattering, test systems for non-small cell lung carcinomas, and optical quantum generators of UV spectrum.

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