14 November 2017
Visit by Ambassador of Finland Mikko Tapani Hautala

The Ambassador met with KFU executives and gave a lecture at the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance.

Addressing the students, H. E. the Ambassador mentioned that this is his second trip to Kazan. He was here five years ago as a tourist and had very good impressions of the city. This time he is here on business – Mr. Hautala is accompanied by representatives of 26 Finnish companies.

The Ambassador reminded everyone of the Tatar community in Finland which currently amounts to about 800 people, “Tatar minority in Finland has managed to preserve its culture and language. They are still speaking Tatar in fifth generation. It’s kind of an accelerator of Tatarstan-Finland relations. Our Tatar community is a very good example for other diasporas; it has a very nice reputation.”

“One of the main aims of our visits is to increase economic ties with Tatarstan. We have decided to actively work with the Republic - a dynamic region of Russia. Direct flights are also a plus – you can fly from Kazan to Helsinki three times a week. We are interested in Tatarstan’s startup culture. Cooperation in science is also an important aspect of our future relations.”

Before the lecture, the guest met with Vice-Rector Linar Latypov who presented a brief overview of the University. Dr. Latypov talked about the ongoing renaissance of Russian sciences and mentioned the University’s Association of Young Scientists. He offered to hold joint seminars for young researchers of the two countries.

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