05 October 2017
10th Conference 'Russia-China: History and Culture'

The second big forum of the week opened on October 5th.

Rector Ilshat Gafurov started the opening ceremony by congratulating everyone with the Teacher Day. He then moved to talk about the history of Eastern studies at Kazan University, famous for being the first institution in Russia to open such a research and education department. He said, “Today, thanks to the activities of the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies, over 1,000 people are studying the Chinese language, and the number grows every year. The Institute is a center for Chinese language and culture research. We have more than 700 Chinese students.”

Consul General of China in Kazan Wu Yingqin elaborated on the current bilateral relations and opined that their successful development is possible thanks to historical proximity, deep interweaving of cultures, and intense technology exchange.

Director of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts Irina Popova said, “I am always honored to give a presentation at Kazan University. It is a recognized center of Oriental studies.”

Consul General of Iran in Kazan Alibeman Eghbali Zarch touched on the importance of popular diplomacy, something without which any summits and big decisions cannot be fruitful.

A signing ceremony then followed – Rector Gafurov and Director Popova put their pens to a cooperation agreement.

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