27 June 2017
Corporate University for Employees Set to Start on June 29th

The project is helmed by Chair of the Department of General Management Tatyana Paley.

She introduced the project to the Rectorate members by saying, «The University lives amidst constant change, and there is the need for adequate and timely reaction and adaptation to the environment».

The program attendees will learn about the Competitiveness Program, KFU’s main strategy points, rankings methodology, and other relevant subjects.

Dr. Paley added, “The students will learn about priority projects and strategic academic units, research breakthroughs, education management trends in Russia and abroad, methodology of academic and institutional rankings within the University, and different instruments for development planning at departmental levels. Furthermore, they will refresh their memory on Kazan University’s history. We hope that all this can help boost the effectiveness of our development efforts”.

53 department heads who plan to run for election will be the first enrollees of the course this coming Thursday.

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