05 April 2017
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg Draws Up Cooperation Plans with Kazan University

The agreement was signed on April 5th in Kazan.

The two sides dispatched sizable delegations to the meeting. KFU’s team included Rector Ilshat Gafurov, institute directors, and several other employees; Magdeburg’s comprised Rector Jens Strackeljan and people in charge of international affairs and research cooperation.

Before the meeting the guests toured the facilities, including KFU's medical cluster. They were impressed by the technological infrastructure and research opportunities.

Rector Gafurov said in his introduction that KFU tries to integrate everything as much as possible, including education, science, clinical and pedagogical practice. Various partners are invited if the University sees that they are necessary in its plans – this includes its participation as a shareholder in a number of entities. He proposed partnership in mutually interesting areas.

As for OVGU's opportunities, it currently has Europe's most powerful tomograph (7 tesla). The signed agreement posits that Kazanites may also soon use it in their work.

The German colleagues became especially interested in the KFU’s engineering centers, the Robotics Center drawing the most attention. Rector Strackeljan, himself an engineer, was of high opinion of those facilities. Machine building is the sphere where the two universities have more in common. For example, KFU cooperates with one the biggest local automotive manufacturers – KAMAZ, and OVGU is in close ties with Volkswagen.

Dr. Strackeljan said, «I have to note that our University is not strictly technological. In German terms OVGU is a profile university; this status allows us to be more flexible in choosing our direction. So I hope that we will not only advance technological progress but also not forget about other areas».

He then talked about OVGU's wish to launch joint master programs in social studies and humanities. Namely, migrant adaptation research and pedagogy was what caught his eye at Kazan University. These domains are united under the umbrella of SAU Teacher 21.

The sides thereupon proceeded to sign the document and exchange gifts. It was agreed that Magdeburg academics should arrive to Kazan soon to discuss forthcoming projects in more detail, and Rector Gafurov was invited to make a reciprocal visit.

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