22 February 2017
New Teaching Practice Centers Opened at the Institute of Psychology and Education

They are the Master Programs Center and the Elementary Education Practice Center.

All the classrooms are equipped with multimedia devices for interactive teaching. Students can familiarize themselves with the newest IT systems.

The ergonomic planning here helps organize involvement from all participants – students work in small groups so as everyone could express their opinion.

Students also have places for unsupervised activities and research in groups. Recreational facilities are here as well.

The Elementary Education Practice Center is aimed at creating a model environment close to real schools. The classrooms are very close to local realities – separate premises for math, reading, speaking, and specialized classes (natural studies, drawing, technological knowledge).

And that's not all. Chair of the Department of Elementary and Preschool Education Venera Zakirova says that everything is ready for real breakthroughs, “These are very modern classrooms that are up to global standards. There is everything for organizing a comprehensive learning process for undergraduates and postgraduates”.

There is also a so-called PhD candidate rooms where young scientists can dedicate their time to work. Naturally, there is also a room for their mentors – experienced academics use it for meetings and respite.

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