27 January 2017
Gift from the Island of Freedom

Rector Ilshat Gafurov met with Professor Flor de Maria Fernandez Sifontes (University of Camaguey, Cuba) on January 26th.

Professor Sifontes was not a first-time visitor – she presented her Candidate of Sciences (PhD) dissertation at Kazan University in 1980. Without much pondering she has decided that her next step – the Doctor of Sciences degree – should also be made here.

That's what she had to say, «I arrived to meet with the university, with teachers and my classmates. I am very glad to see new developments here. Much has been done, the best practices have been preserved and enhanced to make further progress. I have received much support in my work from the Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications. You now have the Alumni Association that has already contacted me. I am very glad to have come here».

Dr. Sifontes also brought a small gift from one rector to the other – a wooden crocodile figurine. It is the symbol of Cuba and the University of Camaguey.

It so happened that Rector Gafurov and Professor Sifontes even lived in neighboring dorms during their studies at the same time. The sides were pleasantly surprised to have so much in common. The Rector said that he plans to visit Cuba for the “Fidel’s Heritage” forum in April and wants to find a window to visit the University of Camaguey.

Vice-Rector for Foreign Relations Linar Latypov will now work on detailed cooperation proposals for the two institutions. KFU also plans to invite Rector Santiago Lajes Choy to visit Kazan.

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