30 December 2016
Rector Ilshat Gafurov Met with the Association of Young Scientists

The last big event of this year happened on December 30th.

The Rector shared his impression of the passing year, “I can say that it has been a decent year for us, the University has managed to reach its objectives, but if you ask me – I think we can do better”.

He emphasized that this regular exchange with young scientists helps immensely in indicating and removing obstacles on the path of the University’s growth.

“Such a meeting allows us to pose questions that we can deal with in 2017”, said he.

Of course, among the pertinent issues were the usual ones – social mortgage and social rent programs for the employees. The proposal was made to open a kindergarten that could simultaneously serve the employees and pedagogy students in their internships. Electronic document systems and website management were also discussed.

The young academics also asked the new federal program titled “Universities as Centers of Innovative Development”. Rector Gafurov answered the University 3.0 strategy already serves in integrating science, education, and industrial production.

The pleasant part then followed – the Rector’s grant program for prospective research by young scientists. The one-time payment was given out to 18 talented employees in all fields of knowledge. There were also 9 letters of appreciation for scientific, educational and social activities.

The Association's team prepared its own nice surprise – a cake decorated with four strategic academic unit symbols. The cake was presented together with a congratulatory poem that included many fun facts about SAUs and the young scientists’ everyday lives, as well as wishes for the following year.

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