20 July 2015
The news digest of Elabuga Institute of KFU 2.07.15 - 20.07.2015

Multicultural interaction of the teachers of Russia and their colleagues from other countries

The Russian teachers had an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the experience of their German colleagues.

From June, 26 to July, 7 The International Methods Board on Multilingual and Cross-cultural Communication and The International Laboratory “Innovative Technologies in the Sphere of Multicultural Education” (the head department is in Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University) hosted Moscow pre-school teachers and heads of educational departments. Russian guests headed by Director of “Innovations in Education” publishing house A. S. Sidenko had an opportunity both to attend the lecture “Introduction into Design Management in Educational Segment” and to learn more about the systems of pre-school and primary, regular and additional education in Germany.

The first course was offered free by the International Methods Board and the International Laboratory – the participants being guests of the International Methods Board and the International Laboratory in Germany who do not pay for education.

The course consisted of the following topics – “The Basis of Design Management in Russia”, “Design Activity in Education and Creative Personal Development”, “The Specifics of Design Activity in Pre-school and Primary School Education”, “Interaction into the Course ‘Project Financing – Request, Monitoring and Report”.

The participants stressed the high level of the seminars, the interactive way of delivering, an individual approach and were of the opinion that the course was considered to be ‘a wonderful start-up for everyone involved in the educational activity – teachers, parents and representatives of the State Structures of the Russian Federation, who would no doubt benefit from such a course, without having to pay a considerable sum of money.

The experience exchange with the colleagues who were the participants of the program “The System of Pre-school Education in Germany” was based on their acquaintance with different kinds of pre-school and primary school organizations in the following key ways:

While being in Germany the Russian trainees visited a ‘free’ nursery school and secondary school which are under the jurisdiction of the so-called ‘parents’ initiative’, an ecological nursery school, a nursery school and a primary school of the ASB Association (Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund); a Protestant nursery school which has an interactive group and a children’s university situated in Rostock University. According to the Russian specialists, their attention was grabbed by the children’s freedom and independence. The children were free to choose the rate and direction of education, the kind of premises and the type of lesson. They had to follow the rules to behave in this or that room which were presented in pictures and short texts that were placed next to the doors. The Russian guests also found interesting the way the building were decorated inside, the level of safety engineering in pre-school organizations, the types of the nursery school children’s portfolios and others.

The German colleagues were glad to share their experience with the Russian guests and invited them to work as trainees in the German nursery schools. The German specialists were also invited to pay a visit to Russia to learn the specifics of management of Moscow educational organizations and pre-school organizations (for example, a family pre-school and family education).

At the end of the seminar all the participants were given the Certificate of Refresher Training, the material set to use in their educational organizations. The association agreement was signed and served as evidence of confirmation the high level of interaction between the two countries and their readiness to extend the professional contact.

The seminar “Lifelong Education” (June, 26 – July, 7) organized by The International Methods Board and The International Laboratory, has shown the necessity and potential advantages of the multicultural interaction of teachers all over the world.

The information source: Press service of Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University



Kazan Federal University will be in charge of training the employees for SEZ “Alabuga”

A delegation of Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University visited LLC “Coskunoz-Alabuga” one of the enterprises of the resident the SEZ “Alabuga”, on July 8th, 2015.

Visit took place within the program of development of the Kamsky innovative territorial and production cluster, with the participation of the company, and our University. The main purpose of visit was the presentation of KFU, the opportunities of the University in the solution of personnel problems of the enterprise. And the question of searching and attraction competent experts, as well as at many participants of innovative industrial clusters, is particularly acute here.

At the beginning of a meeting, the guests were offered a fact-finding excursion on the production area of the enterprise which activity is production of car body parts.

According to the Production Director of plant Fikret Memege, the plant had to be completed with necessary number of employees within a year after launch. But the world economic crisis and absence of the staff with necessary competencies forced to look for additional ways for the solution of questions with the staff. The main problem, according to him, lies in narrow specialization of workers: the plant needs in electronics engineers with knowledge of carrying out 3D tests, the toolmaker on processing of stamps, CNC machine tool setters, leveling operators, service technician in hydraulics, mechanics, quality controller, etc. Speech of the Director was added by the head of the commercial department of the enterprise: qualified managers and economists with knowledge of English and/or Turkish languages, and also logistics specialists are worth their weight in gold. "We hope, – the Director of production "Coskunoz Alabuga" Fikrat Memege summed up, - that Elabuga Institute will be able to offer us the option of collaboration training necessary experts".

Entering the dialogue with representatives of the resident-plant, the Director of the Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University Elena Merzon emphasized that KFU is ready to consider all wishes of the enterprise and immediately start working: “Although pedagogical education was our main direction, we understand that have to work in a trend of economic development of the country. And to help industrial complex of the republic, we will develop and license those programs which will train experts necessary to the enterprises. At the available scientific potential of KFU, laboratory complexes and teaching staff – this work is represented to us effective. Besides, we have already a positive experience in this direction”. Elena Efimovna gave an example: the students of the faculty of Economics and management since the first course within a year passed training at the enterprise of the SEZ "Alabuga", JSC "Interskol". Employers and young specialists were pleased with the results of practice, which part, quite possibly, will come to the plant after graduation.

“The best expert is trained by me personally, and therefore the work on training of young specialists has to take place in bilateral mode: educational institution gives theoretical knowledge, and the student has to receive practical skills at the enterprise, where he will come to work later – the Director of the Elabuga Institute summed up. It is necessary to know not only the theory but also the "nature" of the concrete equipment, working methods with it, etc. One of the tools which promotes fast adaptation of young workers, students and graduates to a production activity, corporate culture and the subsequent professional development, fixing in professional activity – mentoring in production”.

The head of Department of General Engineering Training of Technological and Engineering Faculty Olga Shatunova, and the Dean of Physics and Mathematics Faculty Zagir Latipov told about within what disciplines preparation courses for specialists of this enterprise are possible. There are some laboratories equipped with the latest equipment on the basis of the Institute: the laboratory of the car device and service, car repair and operation, the laboratory of hydraulics and heat engineering, electricity and energy, electronics and radio engineering. With close cooperation with representatives of the plant, the possibility of practice on the bases of the enterprise, on the end of training in higher education institution students will possess all the necessary competencies. Besides, the University can offer retraining program for the employees who are working at the enterprise.

The arrangement on the beginning of development of training programs for students of higher education institution, and also opening of advanced training courses for employees of the enterprise, according to the sounded requirements of plant became the final decision of the meeting.

Source of information: Katherine Saibel, the press Service of Elabuga Institute KFU

Details: http://kpfu.ru/elabuga/elena-merzon-39my-dolzhny-rabotat-v-trende-138852.html


Graduates of the Elabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University became one of the best in the Republic of Tatarstan.

Two graduates of Elabuga Institute of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University won the contest and got shortlisted of the Best graduates of Tatarstan Republic.

The contest "The Best graduates of Tatarstan - 2015" is held annually by the Students League of RT and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Tatarstan Republic, as well as the Council of Rectors of Tatarstan Republic.

The purpose of this contest is to identify and support graduates, who are the most active in social, scientific, sport and creative activities of higher and secondary educational institutions of Tatarstan Republic.

Ksenia Shustova and Ilfina Gizdatullina, graduates of the Faculty of History and Law in Elabuga Institute of KFU, told that they had learned about the contest at the website of Students League of Tatarstan Republic. It was necessary to fill in the online application form, where the achievements in science, sports, community work for all academic years were revealed. The organizers of the contest told girls about victory by telephone. Ksenia Shustova and Ilfina Gizdatullina hope that this award will be a good start and help them in successful job placement and professional growth in their future.

Ksenia Shustova says, "It is very nice to be among the best. To be the best graduate of the Republic of Tatarstan is a great responsibility, stimulus to grow, to move forward, to live up to the expectations for me. I wish future students who will replace us and today's graduates find a niche for themselves. I am eternally grateful to instructors of Institute for their help and support. Thank you, dear Elabuga Institute of KFU for the knowledge, experience, bright, productive and the best student’s years! "

Today, after the   graduation together with their fellow students girls have said goodbye to their instructors and University. We wish them success, self-confidence and achieve their goals!


Source of information: Rishat Zaripov, Press-center of Elabuga Institute of KFU.

Further information: http://kpfu.ru/elabuga/vypuskniki-nashego-instituta-luchshie-138512.html