06 May 2015
Is it possible to recreate a language spoken thousands of years ago?

Søren Wichmann,the  world's leading linguist has already been working for more than a year at KFU's Baudouin de Courtenay Research and Education Centre of Linguistics of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication.  

Danish by origin the linguist is a member of Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, a qualified specialist in historical linguistics, linguistic topology, and mathematical methods in linguistics. The researcher is studying ancient and modern languages, and Maya hieroglyphs deciphering in particular. In addition, he is the Head of the Quantitative Linguistic OpenLab.

In his interview Mr. Wichmann told us that he investigates fields of language use, what allows concluding how the human history looked like in the past 5000-10000 years. Another interest is linguistic topology. i.e. differences and similarities between completely unlinked languages. Finally, he works on the grammatical des­cription of some languages of Mexico, which are spoken only by few people and therefore are endangered to fall out of use.

For the past 10 years the researcher has been engaged in the implementation of statistical and computational methods into a language study. That is the reason why his colleagues and he created words database containing 7000 language and dialects, which can be used for quantitative history and linguistics analysis.

Source of information: Zulfia Zinnatullina, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication.
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