03 September 2012
Videoconference 'APEC-2012 and Universiade-2013: University as a base for global events'

September 1 – representatives of Vladivostok, Kazan and Moscow universities discussed regional infrastructure development and integration into global educational society.

Among discussed issues were: Kazan before Universiade-2013; events at new campus of Far Eastern Federal University; chances of “new Moscow” to become a center for training highly-qualified engineers.   

Kazan was represented by KFU Rector Ilshat Gafurov and deputy director of Exe­cutive Office “Kazan-2013” Azat Kadyrov, Far Eastern Federal University was represented by deputy Vice Rector for International Relations Tagir Khuziyatov and Moscow – by Vice Rector for complex development at Nataional Research Technological University Oleg Abrosimov and Director of the Institute of new materials and nanotechnologies Sergey Kaloshkin.

Source of information: Press-Center
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