Larisa Faritovna Bayanova,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlyovskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,


The research identifies the normative conceptions of Tatar ethnic group. The results of studying the differences in the normative conceptions of the Tatars, living in mono-ethnical (Tatar) and multi-ethnic environment, are given in the article. With the great number of works, devoted to various ethnic groups, the content of values and morals of Tatar ethnic group representatives is still insufficiently explored. The strategy of studying was based on L.S.Vygotskiy’s consciousness determination concept. Such methods as identification of ethnic identity type and revelation of normative preferences were used. The discovered results indicate that the normative conceptions are sensitive to a cultural context which is expressed by mono- and multiethnicity. The results of the research can be used for psychological support of the Tatars in case of migrating from mono-ethnic (mainly, rural) into multiethnic environment.


Key words: culture, normative conceptions, ethnic self-consciousness, Tatar ethnic group, mono-ethnic environment, multiethnic environment, ethnic identity.

