Bachelor degree program
40.03.01 Law, profile: Civil law
Code 40.03.01
Direction of training Law
Profile Civil law
Level Bachelor degree
Language of instruction Russian
State accreditation Certificate
Graduating Chair
About program

Program Direction

Within the framework of the direction, specialists are trained in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education in the field 40.03.01 Law, profile: «Civil law», approved by Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education No. 1011 of August 13, 2020.

Demand for the Program

The training program 40.03.01 Law, profile: «Civil law» makes it possible for graduates of the university to acquire competencies that ensure its relevance as a specialist in law enforcement and other fields of activity.

The lawyer advises the persons needing legal aid, studies laws, bylaws, normative legal acts, the international contracts and puts them into practice, makes legal documents, contracts, contracts, assists citizens in their registration, is engaged in interpretation of laws, exercises control of respecting the rule of law, process takes part in judicial.

The direction «40.03.01 Law» is included in The list of in-demand professions and specialties corresponding to the priority areas for the development of the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan for 2022-2028.

Why should you choose to study at Elabuga Institute of KFU?

Training at Elabuga Institute of KFU is characterized by a high level of theoretical training and enhanced practical-oriented training of future specialists in the field of law enforcement. The material and technical equipment of the educational process allows you to master the skills necessary for future professional activities: the courtroom; Forensic Science Office; audiences equipped with multimedia technology and computers; digital educational resources developed by teachers; active use of mass open online courses, etc.

Each student during the entire training period is provided with individual unrestricted access to electronic libraries and to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization.

The disciplines of the educational program are conducted by highly qualified teachers and practitioners with many years of experience working as lawyers, judges, notaries.

Elabuga Institute of KFU has created and effectively functioning developing educational environment for the formation of professional competencies and personal development of future specialists through the implementation of educational, scientific and social projects in which students take an active part.

What will you study?

The state educational standard is working to draw up a certain minimum of subjects for the educational program in the direction of «40.03.01 Law».

To achieve this, all items are combined into several cycles:

Gosstandart is responsible for setting the list of disciplines of the first cycle only. The disciplines of other cycles will be determined by the university independently.

The following groups of subjects are studied:

Theory of state and law. Within the framework of the subject, the main concepts are revealed, without which a full understanding of the remaining disciplines is impossible. This is a fundamental course that gives a student to study the state from the point of view of law, basic legal functions, sources, structural elements and much more.

History of the state and law of Russia/foreign countries/political and legal ideas/Roman law.

Subjects of the public legal cycle. The most basic here are administrative and constitutional law, with which everyone else is somehow connected: financial, land, environmental, tax. Public law subjects underlie the future professional activities of a lawyer.

Subjects of procedure in judicial/judicial administration, law enforcement, criminal, civil or arbitration proceedings.

There are more specific specializations within these disciplines: forensic science, forensic medicine and legal psychology, etc. Such subjects give the future lawyer highly specialized knowledge.

Economic, legal and private legal subjects: entrepreneurial, commercial, civil, labor, private international law, social security law. These subjects continue in even narrower disciplines, such as corporate, hereditary and other law.

Subjects of the criminal law cycle: criminology, criminal law and criminal enforcement law.

Areas of professional activity

A lawyer is a qualified specialist with a higher legal education in legal matters.

Lawyers work in the field of jurisprudence in a variety of organizations. It may be:


Form of study Duration of study   Number of quotas in 2024 and tuition fees
on the basis of SGE, VE (SVE (+PVE), HE)
4 years  
for citizens of the Russian Federation:
  contract 10     138 660 rub./year*
for foreign citizens:
 contract 20     145 200 rub./year**

*  Order No. 01-03/872 dated May 31, 2023 On the cost of paid educational services for the 2023/24 academic year

** Order No. 01-03/938 dated 06/09/2023 On the cost of paid educational services for the 2023/24 academic year for foreign citizens

Additional Information