Master's degree program
44.04.01 Teacher Education, profile: Digital education
Code 44.04.01
Direction of training Teacher Education
Profile Digital education
Level Master's degree
Language of instruction Russian
State accreditation Certificate
Graduating Chair
About program

The study program

Within the framework of the program, qualified, competitive specialists and teachers are trained who possess the skills and abilities of scientific and pedagogical, research, methodological and educational work in the context of digitalization of education.

Relevance of the program

The study program 44.04.01 Teacher Education, profile: «Digital education» makes it possible for a graduate to acquire competencies that ensure his/her demand as a specialist in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general, higher education, vocational training, vocational education, additional education, in the field of scientific research.

Why should you choose to study at Elabuga Institute of KFU?

Education at Elabuga Institute of KFU is distinguished by enhanced practice-oriented training of future specialists based on the best Russian traditions and foreign experience. The acquisition of practical skills and competencies by students is supported by digital resources, technical capabilities of imitation and gamification of the educational process. Key disciplines are taught by experienced highly qualified teachers using the latest equipment.

What will you study?

The training of future specialists reflects the logical sequence of mastering the cycles and sections of the main professional educational program, which ensure the formation of students' competencies. You will learn how to design an information and educational space based on the use of digital tools, including network tools, as well as to implement educational programs in academic subjects in accordance with the requirements of educational standards using the most modern techniques and technologies.

Psychological, pedagogical and methodological training of future teachers is carried out within the framework of the following main modules: "Design and Implementation of the Educational Process in an Educational Organization", "Content of the Subject Area and Technology of Teaching the Subject".

The "Practice" block includes various types of practices and research activities, which allows students to participate in conferences of various levels, seminars, publish articles, receive grants, apply for scholarships.

Areas of professional activity

A graduate who has mastered the program is ready for pedagogical activity in educational organizations of various types.


Form of study Duration of study   Number of quotas in 2024 and tuition fees
on the basis of VE (HE)
2 years  
for citizens of the Russian Federation:
  budget 10     
  contract    149 520 rub./year*
for foreign citizens:
 contract    157 200 rub./year**

*  Order No. 01-03/872 dated May 31, 2023 On the cost of paid educational services for the 2023/24 academic year

** Order No. 01-03/938 dated 06/09/2023 On the cost of paid educational services for the 2023/24 academic year for foreign citizens

Additional Information