L.R. Fachrutdinova

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

E-mail: liliarf@mail.ru

Received January 25, 2018

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Adolescence is the most important stage of human development. The purpose of the study is to investigate in detail the features of structural arrangement of the experience of family relations in adolescents within the child-parent subsystem.

The research is based on the data of the questionnaires about experiencing family relations. It has been found that the more the relations with parents are realized and understood, especially regarding the awareness of their dialectics and details, the greater developing potential with a beneficial effect on the development of the adolescent psyche have family relations. These impressions are freely and easily absorbed by adolescents, built into their view of the world, and act as a resource in interaction with other significant spheres of living. The experience of family relations can change the work of visual and auditory analyzers. These changes are central, psychogenic. In addition, family relations can influence the work of the respiratory system in adolescents. The constructiveness of the process of their experiencing family relations reflects the richness, acceleration of internal time, as well as the high interest in their experiencing and the strength of experience, pleasant bodily sensations in analyzing family relations, high level of imagery and associativity in describing them, and strong emotional reactions.

The theoretical significance of the study is determined by the contribution of its results to general psychology (development of the basic category of experience), developmental psychology of the adolescence crisis, and family psychology. The obtained results can be applied in the practice of psychological counseling for adolescents, paying attention to the dialectics in relations with parents, comprehension of details, and recreating the brightness of the impression on family relations in an adolescent.

Keywords: experience, cognitive features, emotional features, corporal features, space-time features, information-energy features, impression, family relations, adolescents, child-parent relations


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For citation: Fachrutdinova L.R. Structural arrangement of emotional experience of family relations of adolescents. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2018, vol. 160, no. 4, pp. 1008–1018. (In Russian)


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