Gulshat Raisovna Galiullina,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlyovskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation,


The paper studies the phenomenon of lexical interference characteristic of modern oral Tatar discourse. It mainly focuses of the functionality and occurrence of lexical units that are widely used in spoken Tatar. The study is based on factual material, consisting of 120 audio recordings of spontaneous speaking done by Tatars of different age and social status, as well as the materials of ‘Corpus of Written Tatar’ and ‘Tatar Belletristic Literature Corpus’ used for validation of the results. The analysis shows that the reasons behind the interference phenomenon in modern oral Tatar discourse are defined by not only the linguistic conditions but also psychological and socio-cultural factors. Although the Tatar language does have equivalents to these words, the fact that they are replaced with words from other languages shows that the phenomenon of lexical interference is systemic and very common among Tatar speakers whose bilingualism provides possibilities to use two language vocabularies at the same time.


Key words: the Tatar language, spoken language, bilingualism, interference, vocabulary, lexical interference.


Monograph No. 17-14-16012 has been funded as an academic project by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research in the Republic of Tatarstan.

