D.R. Koposova*, S.A. Lipovayab**
a Center of Social and Humanitarian Education, Kazan, 420032 Russia
b Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia
E-mail: *dandocs@mail.ru, **Svetlana.Lipovaya@kpfu.ru
Received April 29, 2017

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The paper marks the birth anniversary of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Honored Figure in Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Honored Teacher of Kazan University Tat'yana Mikhailovna Nikolaeva (born in 1937). Many years of her activity are associated with one of the oldest Russian universities. However, T.M. Nikolaeva – a linguist who investigates the urgent problems of the history of the Russian literary language, stylistics, modern and historical word formation, grammar and lexicology – is famous far beyond the borders of Russia. We have discussed the life of the person, who displays rare honesty, brightness, and talent by emphasizing her generosity, good oratory skills, wisdom, and relentless combat for speech clarity. An attempt has been made for the first time to define the contribution of T.M. Nikolaeva, the outstanding researcher and a teacher, into the development of philology. In particular, her candidate's and doctoral dissertations, monographs, study guides, numerous statements made during various scientific events, such as congresses, symposiums, conferences, and seminars, develop the ideas of Professor V.M. Markov. T.M. Nikolaeva, carrying on the traditions of the Kazan Linguistic School, focuses on the “dead ends”, inconsistencies in the modern Russian language and the “lacunae” associated with them in word formation, grammar, etc. A list of dissertations defended under the guidance of T.M. Nikolaeva has been provided at the end of the paper.
Keywords: Tat'yana Mikhailovna Nikolaeva, Russian researcher, Kazan University, Kazan Lin-guistic School, history of Russian literary language, linguostylistic analysis of text, Russian word formation

Figure Captions

Photo 1. .M. Nikolaeva, a 5th-year student of the History and Philology Department,  1960 (the photo was taken from the archive of the “Komsomolets Tatarii” newspaper).

Photo 2. T.M. Nikolaeva (second on the left in the second row) and Rumiya Ainitdinovna Yunaleeva (next to her on the right) with students of the Philological Department of Kazan University during the excursion in the Wawel Castle (Kraków, Poland) as part of the summer practicum, 1983.

Photo 3. T.M. Nikolaeva with colleagues – Emiliya Agafonovna Balalykina and Albert Bartoszewicz at the “European Russian Philology and Modern Times” International Conference, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, September 1992.

Photo 4. During the excursion in Sviyazhsk, October 1997. Emiliya Agafonovna Balalykina (in the center), Herbert Jelitte and T.M. Nikolaeva (on the left), Valerii Nikolaevich Konovalov with his wife (on the right).

Photo 5. T.M. Nikolaeva with students of the University of Granada, Spain, 1997.

Photo 6. T.M. Nikolaeva with Spanish students at the editorial office of the “Kazanskii Universitet” newspaper, which is widely known as the “Leninets” newspaper, 1999.

Photo 7. T.M. Nikolaeva working on the review to a scientific research, Kazan, September 2011.

Photo 8. T.M. Nikolaeva with family members at the Raifa Monastery (Zelenodolsk district, Republic of Tatarstan, 2011). Next to her are Olga and Igor' Anatol'evich Tarchevskii (husband), Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences.


1. The Hero of Our “MIF”: Tat'yana Mikhailovna Nikolaeva. MIF, 2007, No. 7. Available at: http://old.kpfu.ru/f10/index.php?id=15&idm=0&num=9. (In Russian)

2. Mikhailova E.A. The Pathway of 75 Years: The History of the “Kazanskii Universitet” Newspaper (“Leninets”) in Documents, Letters, and Memoirs. Kazan, Master Lain, 2003. 92 p. (In Russian)

3. Nikolaeva T.M. The history of vocative form in the Russian language. Extended Abstract of Cand. Philol. Sci. Diss. Kazan, 1972. 20 p. (In Russian)

4. Russian Language: History and Modern Times. Kazan, Kazan. Gos. Univ. 2008. 268 p. (In Russian)

5. Nikolaeva T.M. Sematic and stylistic transformations in the history of the Russian literary language. Extended Abstract of Doct. Philol. Sci. Diss. Kazan, 2002. 43 p. (In Russian)

6. With our best regards. Kazanskii Universitet, 2002, No 10–11. Available at: http://www.gazeta.ksu.ru/ archiv1/0602/4.htm. (In Russian)

For citation: Koposov D.R., Lipovaya S.A. “Always right in her candidness” (on the birth anniversary of Tat'yana Mikhailovna Nikolaeva). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Gumanitarnye Nauki, 2017, vol. 159, no. 5, pp. 1079–1087. (In Russian)

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