I.O. Karmazina*, N.V. Shulaev**

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

E-mail: *acrida2008@gmail.com, **shulaev@bk.ru

Received April 28, 2017

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Data on the outbreaks of acridoid pests in the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia) from the 19th century to 2014 have been provided. The following acridoid species appear to be most harmful for crops: Italian locust (Calliptamus italicus) and migratory locust (Locusta migratoria). According to the Russian Agricultural Center of the Republic of Tatarstan, local outbreaks of C. italicus have been registered in the Trans-Kama region (Tatarstan) since 2010. It has been found that the abundance of C. italicus in two districts of the Western Trans-Kama region (Al'keevskii and Alekseevskii districts) significantly exceeds the economic threshold of harmfulness, ranging from 26 to 36 ind./m2 on average. The maximum values of the E/F index (the ratio of elytron length to hind femur length) are above the threshold ones (1.4 for females and 1.42 for males), thereby corresponding to the swarm phase. Furthermore, data on the mass reproduction of flightless grasshopper (Podisma pedestris L.) in the “Chistye Luga” State Nature Reserve (Chistopol'skii district) on an island in the Sheshma River have been discussed. The abundance of P. pedestris was more than 30 ind./m2. Most individuals were long-winged males (wings are not found in the normal variant). This fact reaffirms that some populations of Podisma enhance their ability to migration under certain conditions.

Keywords: acridoid grasshoppers, agricultural pests, acridoid outbreaks, Tatarstan, Italian locust, Calliptamus italicus, phase state, migratory locust, Locusta migratoria, brown mountain grasshopper, Podisma pedestris, long-winged acridoids

AcknowledgmentsWe thank S.S. Ipkeev, the head of the “Chistye Luga” State Nature Reserve, and the staff members of the Russian Agricultural Center of the Republic of Tatarstan for their help in organization of expeditions and providing us with data on the acridoid outbreaks in Tatarstan during the previous years.

Figure Captions

Fig. 1. The map of areas where Calliptamus italicus occurs in the Republics of Tatarstan and Mari El: ■ – data obtained for the period of the 1950s. [18]; ● – data obtained for the period of 2006–2014.

Fig. 2. Calliptamus italicus individuals in the swarm phase following the treatment with insecticides (Alekseevskii district of Tatarstan).

Fig. 3. Podisma pedestris L. (female, male) and acridoid-damaged plants in the “Chistye Luga” State Nature Reserve.


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