Alfat Magsumdzanuli Zakirzhanov,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlovskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,


At present, modern Tatar playwriting is in the focus of a number of studies. The authors, alongside with a true to life and romantic description of the reality, refer to live mysterious and inexplicable images, person’s utmost state, his/her feelings, etc. In order to convey all these to the readers, the playwrights widely use such means and devices as figurativeness, metaphoric description, symbols, mythology and archetypes. Depending on writers’ literary-esthetic works, their creation of a new world, study of the reality as the relationship between its perception through the past images and psychological and physiological emotions, the author’s subconscious values and concepts lead to the creation of myths in the content and form of aliterary work. The mythologism of the playwriting in modern Tatar can be of three types: 1) myths based on ancient beliefs and fears of people; 2) generalized and universal images and events; 3) literary facts reflected in the history as national consciousness or cultural achievements of the past. In some works the myth keeps its main content, in others it is changed or broken. The article reveals the qualitative characteristics and peculiarities of the mythologism depending on the genre, content and form of the play.

Key words: Tatar playwriting, tradition, innovation, myth, mythologism, national peculiarity, new content, image, symbol.

