Aynur Kasymzhanovna Mashakova,

Institute of Literature and Art named after M.O.Auezov,

29 Kurmangazi Str., Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan,


Mileusha Muhametzyanovna Habutdinova,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlyovskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,



The article presents an attempt to comprehend distinctive features of the ethnic self-identity of Tatars on the basis of modern Tatar poetry and presents a brief overview of the contemporary literary process in Kazakhstan. The article also identifies the components of Tatar poets’ ethnic self-identity. The emphasis is upon the analysis of the creative works of Timer Zagit and Ravil Guzairov as prominent representatives of the Tatar literary Olympus in Kazakhstan.

Key words: Kazakhstan, Tatar Diaspora, ethnic self-identity, Tatar culture, Tatar poetry, Tatar language.

