Philosophic Sciences  
Bogatova L.M. Sociocultural Configurations of Androgynism 7
Galieva A.M., Ibragimova Z.Z. Anthropological Nature of Language in the Linguistic Philosophy of W. von Humboldt 19
Gedz K.N. The Reality of Abstractions and a Passion for the Real: Experience of Modeling of Modern Patrimonial Ideology 29
Gizatova G.K., Ivanova O.G. Freedom of Choice and Marginality as Factors of Self-Determination in Modern World 37
Guryanov A.S. Heidegger’s Ontological Turn: Methodological Consideration 47
Zhigunina L.V. The Living Phantoms of the Real: On the Paradoxes of the Present Age 57
Islamov E.A. Philosophy as the Possibility of Esoteric Freedom in a Situation of Alienation of Contemporary Man 63
Kondratev K.V. Phantasm as a Means of Constructing Social Subject in the Modern Epoch 70
Krasnov A.S. The Proletariat as a Primary Social Substance 77
Kurashov V.I. History and Principles of the Philosophy of Music: From Word to Music and from Music to Word 83
Maslov E.S. Strategies of Generalization of Value Heterogeneity of Experience and Their World-View Meaning 110
Nagumanova S.F. Consciousness as Representation 120
Rumyantseva M.F. Russian Version of Neo-Kantianism: Formulation of the Problem 130
Saikina G.K. Metaphysics of Man in Socio-Philosophical Discourse 142
Semenyuk A.P. S.L. Frank’s Ontognoseology 153
Smirnova Yu.D. Utopia as a Form of Realization of the Individual Reality 166
Solodukho N.M. Situationality of Being: Conceptual Principles 173
Tazetdinova R.R. Conceptual Features of Philosophical Reflection of Philosophemes in Philosophical and Non-Philosophical Texts 180
Taisina E.A. The Problem of Truth in Classical Epistemology and Modern Existential Materialism 188
Tikhonov O.V. The Dialectics of Identity and Identity Crisis in the Context of Global Sociocultural Transformations 208
Farkhutdinov L.I. Interrelation between the Concepts of Objective Law and Written Law in Terms of the Language of Philosophy 214
Shkuro S.V. The Term Christian Neoplatonism Revisited 220
Political Sciences  
Zaznaev O.I. Canadian National Identity: Problems of Formation 226
Kivel E.F. Factors of Transformation of Media-Political System in the Republic of Tatarstan (2000–2011) 234
Mulyukova D.Sh. The Formation and Development of Regional Political Myths in Modern Russia (The Republic of Tatarstan Case Study) 240
Suslov E.V. Institutional Design as a Factor of Institutionalisation of Political Conflicts (the Republic of Estonia Case Study) 246
Tereshina Е.A. The Concept of Politicization of Religion 254
Farukshin M.Kh. Faces of Nationalism 261
Khisamov R.I. Parliamentarization of Monarchical System (Morocco Case Study) 269