In Loving Memory of Vitaly Mikhailovich Markov 7
Historical Linguistics
Gilazetdinova G.Kh. The Phonetic Adaptation of Orientalisms in the Russian Language of the 15th – 17th Centuries 11
Demidov D.G. The Class of the Pronouns онъ – оный, его and онъ – его. Historical, Genetic and Cultural-Psychological Aspects 25
Nikolaev G.A. Linguistic Source Study. To the Problem Definition 37
Nikolaeva N.G., Kuzmin S.I. Military Symbolics in the Old Slavonic Translation of the Song of Solomon: An Experiment of Theolinguistic Analysis 45
Khazieva-Demirbash G.S. Tatar Male Personal Names of the Late 16th – Early 17th Centuries in Diachronic Aspect (on the Material of Kazan District Land Cadastres (1602–1603 and 1647–1656)) 53
Comparative Linguistics
Arsentieva E.F., Arsentieva Yu.S. Dictionaries of Euphemisms: Main Principles of Dictionary Compilation and Presentation of Phraseological Material of the English and Russian Languages 61
Ivanova T.K. The Principles and Basic Elements of the Comparative Russian and German Word Composition 70
Kayumova A.R. Antonymic Translation and Its Place in the Classification of the Means of Rendering English Phraseological Units into Russian 78
Rakhimova A.R. Lexical Means of Expressing Positive/Negative Evaluation of Human Beings in Tatar and other Turkic Languages 85
Khalitova L.K. Discourse Words and Cooperative Dialogue (on the Example of Contact-Making Means in Russian, English and Tatar) 95
Khafizova A.A. Colloquial Vocabulary in W. Somerset Maugham’s Novel “Theatre” and Its Translations into Russian and French 106
Grammar and Lexicology
Valeeva G.M. Exotic Lexicon and Its Linguistic Possibilities 116
Galieva A.M. Diskursiya: Translation as a Source of a New Concept 124
Egorov D.S. The Transposition of the Present and Future Tense Verb Forms to the Context of the Past and the Semantic Classes of Verbs: Tendencies in Use 133
Kulkova M.A. Monopredicative Constructions with Actantial Complicators in the System of Folk Superstitious Beliefs 141
Lavrova N.A. On the Relation between Contaminated Words, Occasional Words and Neologisms. Earmarks of Contaminated Words (on the Material of the English Language) 151
Lutfullina G.F. Obligatory Reference Status of Noun Phrases in Temporal Contexts of the Past Time Period (on the Material of French and Tatar) 161
Elsabruti R.R. The Problems of Arabic Lexicology 170
Semantics and Linguistic Worldview
Akhmerova L.R. The Basic Ways of Verbalization of Psychological Condition in Psychotherapeutic Discourse 180
Gimaletdinova G.K. Semantic and Pragmatic Aspects of the English Hyphen 188
Kosova V.A. Word-Formation Category: the Development of the Notion and Basic Lines of Investigation 199
Chernysheva A.Yu., Perezhogina O.V. Speech-Behavioral Tactics Calling to Virtues in Secular and Orthodox Cultures 213
Baranov V.A. Complete Works by M.V. Lomonosov on the Internet: Working up the Electronic Collection and the Corpus Modules Functional Capabilities 223
Begeneva E.I. Dominating Text as a Megatext Composition High Point 235
Palekha E.S. Poetic Text in Terms of Communicative Approach (on the Example of Poetic Discourse of N. Gumilev) 241
Shtyrlina E.G. The Past, Present, and Future in I. Brodsky’s Poetic World 252
The Authors’ Index for the Year of 2010 258