N.R.Abubakirov. Three-parameter inverse boundary value problems in simply connected domains
V.V.Aseev and O.A.Lazareva. Continuity of the reduced modulus and the transfinite diameter
L.S.Efremova. On the nonwandering set and the center of skew products of maps of the interval
V.V.Kartak. Extensions of point-invariant classes of ordinary differential equations of the third order
L.V.Maslovskaya and O.M.Maslovskaya. Penalty method for grids matching in the finite element method
V.P.Orlov. Motion of a viscoelastic medium with a free boundary
V.N.Paimushin. Approximate analytic solutions of the problem on plane forms of free oscillations for a rectangular plate with unfixed edges
Zh.S.Satarov. Generators and defining relations of the generalized full linear group over semilocal rings without unity. I
M.V.Falaleev. Fundamental operator-functions of singular differential operators with sectoriality and radiality properties
N.V.Shustrova. A mixed problem with deviation from a characteristic for the Lavrent'ev-Bitsadze equation with a complex parameter