03 April 2014
Kazan and Giessen: 25 years of cooperation

On April, 2 was held a meeting with supervisor of partnership agreement between Kazan and Giessen Universities, Professor Michael Schmitz in KFU Institute of Management and Territorial Development.

This year Kazan University and University of Giessen celebrate the 25th anniversary of cooperation. The Agreement on Cooperation was signed on October 16, 1989. Cooperation between Universities started in a very tough epoch for our country – soon after the Perestroika. In spite of all difficulties, we could build strong ties. Currently our cooperation is considered to be one of the most actively developing.  Range of partnership participants is constantly expanding. Annually programs of academic exchange, joint research projects, namely in Biology, Medicine, Physics and Humanities are implemented.

Professor Schmitz underlined the significance of cooperation for the German University.  Undoubtedly, this partnership gives benefits to the German scientific community. They get in touch with new colleagues and exchange experience. Moreover, due to intensive bilateral exchange we have an opportunity to study political and economic tendencies of the Russian Federation development.

The meeting agenda included discussion of further cooperation in the framework of joint Master`s Degree on the basis of “Transition Management” and “General and strategic management” programs. Representatives of the Institute of Management and Territorial Development, as well as External Relations Office participated in the discussion. Professor Schmitz told that the German side had submitted an application to DAAD to extend financing of academic exchange within the framework of Master`s Degree. Furthermore, he expressed gratitude to the Director of the Institute of Management and Territorial Development for receiving three graduate students during fall semester 2013. These students were delighted with the education, quality of teaching in English and faculty members friendly attitude.

It bears reminding that in the framework of joint graduate program some KFU faculty members were invited to the University of Giessen. Among them are Associate Professor from the Department of Territorial Economics, Anna Svirina and Professor from the Department of Strategic and Financial Management, Igor Kirshin.

Professor Schmitz summed up the results of his visit to KFU. He highly appreciated the training level of undergraduate and graduate students, whom he interviewed within competition selection for scholarship programs of academic exchange.

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