01 February 2014
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Reflected on 2013

Extended session of the collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan was held yesterday, on January 31, 2014. Rector of Kazan Federal University, Mr. Ilshat Gafurov, took part in it, as well.

The Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mr. Engel Fattakhov, made a keynote report. He reflected on 2013 and told participants about plans for 2014 in preschool education, schooling and professional education.

Mr. Roman Shaykhutdinov told the attendees about information technologies in education.

The head of the Board of Education of Kazan-city Exe­cutive Committee, Mr. Ilsur Khadiullin, spoke on the subject: "Kazan education 2013: new resources – new understanding – new-quality results."

The Prime Minister, Mr. Ildar Khalikov, summed up results of the session. He noted that education was still the leader in the amount of financing and innovations introduced. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan stated that regions could not develop without efficient education. "Today both economy and politics, and competitiveness of enterprises, administrative units and countries are focused on education," said the head of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Mr. Ildar Khalikov noted that the year of 2013 was very special for pre-primary education. He drew attention to the fact that a new federal state educational standard awarded pre-primary education a status of the 1st stage of basic education.

According to the Prime Minister, a great number of kindergartens was built last year and the construction will be continued.

"A new kindergarden is just walls, windows, beds and chairs. Our goal is to bring up a healthy, intelligent and talented citizen of the Republic striving for leadership," emphasized Mr. Ildar Khalikov.

The head of Tatarstan Government noted that Mr. Engel Fattakhov paid attention to development of national languages ​​and e-learning in his report. "I was glad that in the 1st half of the year none of the parents complained about the Tatar language: about excessive number of hours at school and too complex textbooks,” said the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan. “I want to thank those who did a great job for new textbooks and methodologies accepted by parents to appear and be published by the 1st of September.”

Mr. Ildar Khalikov touched upon a problem of municipal school ranking. According to him, results of the Uniform State Examination and academic contests should not be the only evaluation criteria for educational institutions. The Prime Minister urged the session attendees to take into account the missions charged by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan at the meeting in August when ranking.

Moving to the problem of professional education, Mr. Ildar Khalikov underlined: "We cannot sharply say that we know the professional education model."

Experience gained by a number of republican companies, particularly, Kazan Helicopters, JSC, Zelenodolsk plant n.a. A. Gorkiy and others is revealing in solving the problem of personnel. According to the head of Tatarstan Government, it becomes possible when company directors understand that specialist training begins at school.

Mr. Ildar Khalikov couldn’t disregard the topic of advanced technology introduction into educational process. In his opinion, it is necessary to derive a maximum benefit from opportunities existing at Tatarstan schools. He reminded that teachers of the Republic were provided with notebooks and schools equipped with interactive whiteboards and projection devices.

"I am not for making all lessons interactive only, but it’s a pity that you sometimes meet teachers who do not use resources available," said Mr. Ildar Khalikov. He also drew attention to the need to solve technical problems at schools.

"Whatever the Uniform State Examination and our reformations are, I am an advocate of making education a system destined to cultivate spiritual and moral values in children and young people at all levels, including senses of patriotism and public spirit, and careful attitude towards culture and history of our Republic and country," said the Prime Minister of Tatarstan.

At the end of the session an awarding ceremony was held for educators and research scientists of the Republic of Tatarstan, heads of municipal districts, companies and educational establishments of the Republic.

Source of information: MSM, photo by Marsel Badykshin
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