04 April 2012
PhD-student of the law faculty took part in a meeting with the deputies of the European Parliament

On 4th of April at State Duma of Russian Federation took place the meeting of Russian parliamentarians with the colleagues from Brussels – deputies of European Parliament, who paid an official visit to the capital of Russian Federation. During this high-level gathering the Kazan federal university was presented as well – the State Duma deputy assistant Stanislav Aleksandrov, who is the PhD-student of law faculty at KFU, attended the meeting.

In the course of the meeting Russian and European parliamentarians discussed a number of important questions standing nowadays on agenda. They touched on a question of elections in Russia – to State Duma and presidential as well. European deputies were interested in questions of openness and transparency of elections, the use of new technologies in the election process, the participation of observers. The Russian colleagues told about lots of innovations and new tendencies accompanying the election process – for example, about the videocameras at election palls and transparent ballot boxes. The students of Kazan federal university worked as election observers as well.

The Russian and European colleagues stated that there are still common problems existing in all European countries in the course of elections. They raised the issues of human rights and freedoms, the development of democratic values on the continent, migration politics, rule of law, interaction in the spheres of culture, education and science etc.

Source of information: Press-Center
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