07 March 2013
Religious Diversity in the European Union – a Look from Lithuania

On the 4th of March a public lecture “Challenges for religious diversity in Lithuania” was given by Doctor Milda Aliskauskiené, the head of the Chair of Sociology of Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, at the Faculty of Philosophy of KFU. Ms. Aliskauskiené has arrived there on the invitation of ЕС VOICES Centre and the Centre for Cultural Research into Post-Socialism of the Institute of Comparative Studies of Modernity of KFU.

How can one define a religious diversity? What is the difference between statistics of belonging to diverse religions and a real religiousness of citizens? What does religious diversity mean for representatives of the so-called nontraditional religious groups? How does religious discrimination manifest itself and what are the possible ways to overcome discrimination? Answers to these and many other questions could be got by students during this lecture.

It is very important to note that Doctor Aliskauskiené was guided by results of multiyear researches carried out by the Department of Sociology in close cooperation with Master’s Degree students.

Source of information: EU VOICES Center
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