28 September 2016
Finnish Business and Education Professionals Interested in Advancing Cooperation

A delegation from Suomi visited on September 27th.

The Finnish side was represented by Riitta Kosonen and Kaisa Ahonen (Aalto University), Erkki Kaukonen, Harri Melin, and Mika Kautonen (University of Tampere), Mikko Ylikangas (Academy of Finland), Sari Autio-Sarasmo (University of Helsinki), and employees of the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, Bank of Finland, and Finnish Embassy in Russia.

Vice-Rector of KFU Linar Latypov presented an overview of the University with special emphasis on priority areas. Dr. Kosonen from the Finnish delegation expressed wishes to establish various collaborative ties on behalf of her colleagues.

Representatives of KFU institutes shared their status of cooperation with Finland and made new proposals on the matter. Namely, the Institute of Philology is interested in joint projects in Tatar language, neurolinguistics, and quantitative linguistics. The Institute of Psychology and Education wants to study the well-known Finnish experience in early childhood development. The Institute of Management, Economics and Finance is ready to hold symposiums and summer schools for the students and academics of the two countries.

Both sides also discussed the existing potential of Erasmus and Aurora exchange programs.

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