02 June 2015
Albert Aganov Resigns as Director of the Institute of Physics, Sergey Nikitin Steps Up

New Interim Director's name was announced before the Board of Academics of the Institute of Physics on June 1st.

Albert Aganov's term in office is due to end June 2nd, so he decided to give his resignation letter the day before. Sergey Nikitin is the new Interim Director who will be in office until the elections.

Rector Ilshat Gafurov, who himself is an alumnus of the Institute, said: “I want to say thank you before all these people here. Not as a current Rector, but as a person who was lucky to study here, I want to sincerely thank you for your work”.

Dr. Aganov, who served as Director for 24 years, was emotional in his retirement speech: “I received 64% in my first elections and 90% and more in all the next ones. I think those were the confirmations of our team's trust. I could have chosen to participate in this one as well, but there is an appropriate time to step down. I am thankfully in good health, but new tasks are indeed very challenging. I am grateful for having an opportunity to continue my work”.

Dr. Aganov will now be the head of the new Department of Medical Physics which was established yesterday.

Source of information: Kamill Gareev
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