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Working group of the laboratory:

Morozov Vladimir Petrovich

A chairman of  the Department of Mineralogy and Lithology, doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences, professor, leading researcher

Laboratory Supervisor

tel. (843) 233-79-88

E-mail: Vladimir.Morozov@kpfu.ru

Krinari Georgiy Aleksandrovich

Associate Professor of the Department of Mineralogy and Lithology, candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, senior researcher

tel. (843) 292-96-92

E-mail: Georgy.Krinari@kpfu.ru

Korolev Eduard Anatolyevich

Associate Professor of the Department of General Geology and Hydrogeology, candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, leading researcher

tel. (843) 292-96-92

E-mail: edik.korolev@gmail.com

Anton Nikolaevich Kolchugin

Associate Professor of the Department of Mineralogy and Lithology, candidate of geological-mineralogical sciences, senior researcher

tel. (843) 292-96-92

E-mail: Anton.Kolchugin@gmail.com

Eskin Alexey Aleksandrovich

Assistant of the Department of Mineralogy and Lithology, Junior Researcher

tel. (843) 292-96-92

E-mail: eskin.aleksey@gmail.com

Eskina Galina Mikhaylovna

An engineer of the 1st category of the Department of Mineralogy and Lithology

tel. (843) 292-96-92

E-mail: Galina-eskina@yandex.ru