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Working group of the laboratory:

Statsenko Evgeniy Olegovich

 An engineer of the Department of General Geology and Gydrogeology,

Head of the Laboratory CT

Mob .: 8-960-040-49-10

E-mail: e.statsenko@yahoo.com

Galeev Akhmet Askhatovich

Assistant of professor the Department of General Geology and Hydrogeology, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

tel .: (843) 233-75-60

Mob .: + 7-917-244-04-81

E-mail: akhmet.galeev@kpfu.ru

Zakirov Timur Rustamovich

An assistant of the Department of General Geology and Hydrogeology Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

tel.: (843) 233-75-60


E-mail: timurz0@mail.ru

Konovalov Alexey Anatolyevich

Senior Researcher, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

tel .: (843) 233-75-60

mob:. + 7-927-676-32-85

E-mail: alexey@kfti.knc.ru