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Genesis and transformation of soils of Kuibyshev reservoir ecosystem

Main results:

1. Created the database of islands of the Kuybishesky water reservoir.

2. Scientific publications:

Grigorjan B.R., Kulagina V.I.Variations of islands soil covering of the Kuybishesky water reservoir with time by water regime // Proceedings of Kazan University / Natural Sciences Series - 2010.- V.152. - No.4. - P. 92-101. 

Grigorjan B.R., Kulagina V.I., Ivanov D.V. Influence of Alluvial Lithogenesis  on Island Soils Formation in Kuybishesky water reservoir // Proceedings of Kazan University / Natural Sciences Series - 2008.- V.150. - No.3. - P. 112-122.

Ivanov D.V., Grigorjan B.R., Boiko V.A., Barsheva K.V., Marasov A.A., About the legal status  water reservoirs islands// Ecological law. – 2007. – V.3. – P. 33-37.

Grigorjan B.R., Kulagina V.I., Ivanov D.V. Soils of variable backing in the islands of Chistopolskiy district of Kuybishesky water reservoir // Proceedings of Kazan University / Natural Sciences Series - 2006.- V.148. - No.2. - P. 123-130.

Grigorjan B.R., Faskhutdinova T. A., Kulagina V.I., Koposov G.F. Specific Features of Soil Formation in Island Ecosystems of the Kuibyshev Water Storage Basin //Eurasian Soil Science.- 1998.-№12. – P. 366-373

Grigor'yan, B.R., Boiko, V.A., Kalimullina, S.N., Faskhutdinova, T.A., Rodionova, E.V., Aksenov, V.S. Heavy metals in some components of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in the valley of the mesha river // Russian Journal of Ecology.- 1996 27 (4) , pp. 241-244