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About the Institute of Environmental Sciences

Welcome to the Institute of Environmental Sciences ,Environmental Management, Environmental Modeling, Meteorological Observatory

Institute of Environmental Sciences was established in August 2014. Before that, the Insitute bore the name Insitute of Ecology and Geography (since May 2011) and included the oldest Faculty of Geography in the country and theUSSR's first Department of Ecology of Kazan State University (KSU) then joined by the Faculty of Education and Geography of the Tatar State University of Humanities and Education.

There have been established training and research laboratories with world-class facilities. Since 1812 the Meteorological Observatory has been in action. The Institute has three stations for field practice.

The highly-qualified scientific and pedagogical staff consists of 17 Doctors of Science and 41 Ph.Ds of Science. The total number of employees is over 100 people.

There are over 700 students doing all modes of study. Training is conducted in 4 Bachelor and 5 Masters Programmes.

The faculty conducts research in the following priority areas of development of science, engineering and technology of the Russian Federation: