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Academic Journal

ISSN 0021-3446 (Print), ISSN 2076-4626 (Online)

"Russian Mathematics (Iz. VUZ)" is a monthly academic journal. The journal publishes the most significant papers in the fields of mathematics and mechanics, along with survey articles covering the breadth of work occurring in these two fields.

The journal also publishes brief communications where results are stated without proofs. After being announced as a brief communication, the full-text version of a paper can be published in another periodical. A reference to the brief communication is obligatory.

By submitting papers to the Editorial Board, authors acknowledge the right of Kazan University to publish them in Russian and in translation. As such, authors have to to sign, notarize and submit to the Editorial Board two copies of the Contractual Agreement. The authors should contact the Russian Authors Society (RAS) with any questions connected with authors' royalties for republishing papers abroad.

Distribution rights for translated versions of the journal belong to Springer Publishing Company. As such, the Editorial Board is unable to provide translated versions of papers, printed or electronic, to authors.

Since January 2016 the papers of the journal are included in the www.webofknowledge.com/ database.