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Bachelor Courses

The personnel of the Department of Quantum Electronics and Radiospectroscopy teaches studens on the main speciality "Radiophysics and electronics" and graduate students in the spaeciality "Radiophysics"

The Department has 4 academic-scientific laboratories:

1. Laboratory of magnetic radiospectroscopy;

2. Laboratory of Vacuum and Cryogen techniques;

3.  Laboratory of Quantum Radiophysics;

4. Laboratory of UHF electrodynamics.

Usually, around 60 students study in the Department.

The Academic staff of the department teaches, besides main courses, several courses by speciality:

1. Symmetry of Crystalls;

2. Crystallyc Field Symmetry;

3. Quantum Electronics;

4. Low Temperature Techniques;

5. Electronic Structure of Solid Substrates;

6. Spectroscopical Experiment;

7. Pulse NMR Techniques;

8. Radiospectroscopy Techniques;

9. The Basics of EPR spectra;

10. The Basics of NMR spectra;

11. The Basics of Magnetic Relaxation Theory;

12. Additional Details on EPR scpectra Theory;

13. Optical Spectroscopy Techniques;

14. The Basics of Laser Medicine;

15. The Basics of Physical Processes in Optical Quantum Generators;

16. Optical Spectroscopy of Laser Media;

17. Special Chapters of Quantum Electronics.