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Centre of excellence in catalyst development for oil refining and petrochemistry

On the basis of the Centre of Excellence in Catalyst Development for Oil Refining and Petrochemistry we have started developing new areas in catalysis connected with application of nano-sized clusters of transition metals, chemically decorated carbon nanotubes and nanostructures, as well as with development of methods for non-chemical activation of metal complex catalysts in the sphere of electrochemical technologies application.


Activity Plan (until 2020)

Research Component

Academic Component

Practical Component

International Cooperation

Unique equipment of the Centre

Polyclave (Catalytic complex for conducting catalytic screening of homogenous metal complex catalysts)

The device is aimed at studying catalytic activity of metal complex catalysts in processes of homogenous oligomerization and polymerization of ethylene. The fully automated system allows receiving the complete range of physical and chemical parameters of catalytic processes, including temperature supervision of reaction feed, pressure, stream velocity and gas-flow rate (monomers) during the experiment.