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Campus newspaper 'Ambidexter'

In February 2013, the project of campus newspaper “Ambidexter” started as an idea of one person which later gained traction and became an inalienable part of students’life.

Now the implementation of the newspaper is able due to a big friendly team of journalists, photographers, editors under the leadership of an editor-in-chief and a designer.

What the newspaper staff is trying to do is to give the readers relevant information about the events held in the University and the city, share experiences and thoughts, talk about favourite books and films. We learn to write essays, interviews, reports, because we want to be enjoyable reading for our readership. The idea of the newspaper is to give the young generation an opportunity to express their thoughts and develop themselves in mass media.


Official group in social network: http://vk.com/imoambidexter

Email: ambidexter.kpfu@gmail.com

Editor-in-chief: Kozvonina  Catherine 89874126011 http://vk.com/id17940413