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1) Molecular and biochemical aspects of programmed cell death in normal and pathological conditions.

The founder of the scientific field was head of the Department of Biochemistry, Prof. Victor G. Winter (1939-2005). Our work is devoted to scientific activity and the provisions of the regulatory role of nuclear DNase in the growth, development and aging of cells in tissue regeneration, tumor growth and autoimmune processes that are of theoretical and practical interest for biology medicine, because DNase activity through the regulation opening up new ways to normalize the functioning of cells in various pathological and normal physiological processes.

In recent years it has become known that the nuclease play an important role in cell death. They are one of the triggers of important physiological process - programmed cell death (PKG). Violation of the process of apoptosis leads to disease .

Studies of apoptosis (PKG type I), we realized that this way the regulation of cell death is not unique. Candidate to another cell suicide mechanism was autophagy (PKG II type). In the laboratory, studies of mechanisms switch I and II types of cell death by the example of the functioning of cells in inflammatory diseases and the possible role of autophagy and apoptosis in the development of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. In particular, we investigated the relationship between apoptosis and inhibition of autoimmune phenomena, which are a marker of anti-DNA.

Our group has been studying the autoimmune mechanism in the development of asthma and cardiovascular disease. We focus on the apoptosis of bronchial asthma, its role in autoimmune disease. The origins of autoimmunity and leading role in the process of intracellular DNA, the cause of which is programmed necrosis.

Recently, we began exploring the genetic markers of predisposition to autoimmune diseases.

Scientific director- Professor, Dr. Abramovà Zinaida Ivanovna 

(843) 2337842

fax: (843) 238-78-14

e-mail: ziabramova@mail.ru

Research Grants:

1. Identifying the mechanisms of dysfunction of living systems in various pathologies. "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" for 2009-2013, the agreement on the application 2012-1.4-12-000-2022-005 ¹ 14.A18.21.2082.

2. "Development of the method of obtaining the drug and protein requirements for the form and concentration of the optimal binding of blood cells." Project ¹ 19750 contract number 10771r/19750 of August 13, 2012/

2) Agricultural biochemistry

There are studies the metabolic features of living systems, the mechanisms of plant resistance to diseases, safety of biologically active substances for humans and animals, soil biological processes, developing methods to biological control of plant diseases and crop losses in the field and during storage, enzymology, biochemistry of fungal and bacterial hydrolytic enzymes in this laboratory.

Project groups and their members:

The project group of Tazetdinova D.I. (tazetdinova.di@gmail.com) investigates metabolic features of living systems (microorganisms, agricultural and vegetable crops, drug plants), molecular mechanisms of plant resistance to diseases, safety of biologically active substances for humans and animals (cyto- and genotoxicity, allergenicity), biochemical processes in soils from antropogeniñ landscapes, and develops methods for biocontrol of plant diseases and of crop losses in field and during food storage and immunological methods for microbe detection in environment.

The project group of Tukhbatova R.I. (resedushka@gmail.com) focus on biochemistry of paleosols and buried soils, distribution of industrially important strains and human pathogens in ancient tombs and soils, screening and analysis of Trichoderma and Streptomyces metabolites to be safe for humans and animals (cyto-and genotoxicity, allergenicity, mutagenicity, etc.).

We focus on  biochemistry of paleosols and buried soils, distribution of industrially important strains and human pathogens in ancient tombs and soils, screening and analysis of Trichoderma and Streptomyces metabolites to be safe for humans and animals (cyto-and genotoxicity, allergenicity, mutagenicity, etc.).

Current projects:

1. The study of the biochemical activity of paleosols, buried horizons in archeological monuments: enzymatic activity, gas exchange, phytotoxicity, the metabolic activity of soil biota.

2. Screening and analysis of of Trichoderma and Streptomyces metabolites (with the anti-tumor, immunomodulatory, regenerative properties).

3. Monitoring of distribution of industrially important strains and human pathogens in ancient tombs and paleosols (with FGBU "Federal Center toxicological, radiological and biological security" (FGBU "FTSTRB-VNIVI").

The project group of Skvortsov E. V. (eskvortsov@rambler.ru) has been enzymology, biochemistry of fungal and bacterial hydrolytic enzymes - cellulase, xylanase, protease, amylase, etc.

Isolation, purification and study the properties of individual enzymes.

? Development and optimization of methods for the determination of enzyme activity.

? Study and optimization of the biosynthesis and kinetics of hydrolytic enzymes when cultivated on waste producers of food production.

? Investigation of the mechanisms of hydrolysis of various soluble and insoluble polysaccharides by the action of hydrolytic enzymes.

? Micellar enzymology - the stabilization of enzyme preparations nanocapsules.

? Computer modeling of three-dimensional structures of individual enzymes using bioinformatics methods.

Screening of fungal and bacterial enzymes that produce drugs, optimization of fermentation processes, scaling of enzyme preparations.

The use of enzymes to improve the quality of fodder for farm animals. Application of enzymes in a test farm homesteads.


Head of the Laboratory Prof. Dr. Alimova F. K.

farida_alimova@hotmail.com, (843)74 40


Research Grants:

1.         Influence of heavy metals on ecological condition of soils from anthropogenic landscapes under synergetic effect of pollution, RFBR ¹11-04-01731.

2.         Prototype development of biofertilizer with double effect for crop production. Laboratory studies of the properties of the prototype of bio-fertilizer (State contract ¹ 9375r/15160 dated 30.05.2011).

3.         Prototype development of bioproduct with properties of bio-fungicide for crop production. Laboratory studies of the properties generated prototype (state contract ¹ 15/142/2011 on 30.06.2011).

4.         Microbic communities of soils of ancient landscapes of forest-steppe of the Volga region, RFBR 11-04-008805.

5.         Identifying the mechanisms of dysfunction of living systems in various pathologies, the "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" federal program for 2009-2013, the agreement on the application 2012-1.4-12-000-2022-005 ¹ 14.A18.21.2082.

6.         Complex historical, archeological and natural cultural heritage research, interdisciplinary research area CFI (¹ 11 of 25.11.2010g.).

7.         Biochemical, molecular, genetic and bioinformatics aspects of the interaction of nano-and biological products of living organisms, the research work in the KFU within the public order of the Ministry of Education and Science (4.633.2011).

8.         Funding for the program START-1 and START-2 "Organization experimental pilot production of the enzyme preparation for agricultural purposes."


1. Habibullin R.E., Raimanov I.T., Alimova F.K., Krilova N.I.,Zaripova S.K., Oziganova G.U, Naumova R.P. Soil waste treatment from oil contamination. Patent no. À ¹97102681/13. USSR (priority 20.06.2000 RUABRU DB).

2. Zacharova N.G., Alimova F.K., Kolpakov A.I., Lechinskaya I.B., Kuprianiva F.G., Muratova S.S., Gainutdiniva G.I.. Methods of plant seed treatment. - Patent no. À.ñ. N1743018. - USSR (priority  â B.I. -1992, N 6.

3. Ilinskaya Î.N., Zacharova N.G., Alimova F.K. and all. Isolate fungi Aspergillus 316 – Producent of cellulase. - Patent no. À.ñ. ¹1440920. -  USSR (priority VBI)

4. Alimova F.K., Immamutdinov F.N., Ibragimov Ya.S.. Isolate fungi Trichoderma harzianum and its application. Patent no.  ¹ 2005114113/13(016203) USSR.

3) Biomedicine – Biochemical and genetic regulation of monoaminoxidase A gene expression

We study biochemical results of MAOA gene polymorphisms in patients with schizophrenia, aggression syndrome, attention deficit and hyperactivity syndrome using animal models. Our special interests are the hormonal dysfunctions  and the brain blood vessels ischemia in patients with pathological low MAOA levels, using animal model.

Fattakhova A.N.

89173997163 (mob), afattakh@rambler.ru

Express-test for drug abuse syndrome predisposition in children was designed.

After testing biochemical symptoms in 1500 patients the low and null MAO A level in patients with schizophrenia, aggression syndrome, attention deficit and hyperactivity syndrome was  detected. But the levels of MAO B and plasma BAO were very high in these patients. We compared the brain MAO A isotypes in controls and in patients with null and low MAOA levels.

From 2009 Fattakhova A.N. is the director of Kazan University Vivarium Ltd (kazanvivarium.ru) and was funded near 6000000 rubles from investors and sold services  on 7000000 rubles. Our services are the study of new chemical products with unknown properties and design biological passport  using animal models and cell cultures.

4) Molecular Immunology

The aim of research work is a studying the properties, the mechanism of action of antibodies to DNA, their biological role in health and diseases, and the relationship of autoimmune processes to nutrition and aging of the organism.

The main current research:

1. Antibodies to DNA: the molecular mechanisms of the interaction of antibodies to DNA to cells in vitro

2. Oxidative stress and molecular markers of disorders in the body.

3. Delivery of biologically active substances into the cell to modulate cellular metabolism.

Nevzorova T.A.

(843)2337852, 2337845 (work), TNevzorova@mail.ru

5) - Paleo Genetic studies of human and animal.

Molecular biological study of fossils to characterize the people population of Tatarstan Republic.

- Genetic markers of predisposition to non-chronic infection disease

Seeking for the genetic markers of cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune disorders and pregnancy pathologies in Tatarstan's population


PhD Olga Kravtsova

 (843)2337831 (work)



Anikeev Oleg

 (843)2337831 (work)




11/16/2010 Diploma "Winner of the Youth Program Participant Research and Innovation Competition (U.M.N.I.K)"

 12/22/2011 Diploma "50 best innovative ideas of Tatarstan Republic»

28/12/2011 Diploma "10 best innovative ideas of Kazan Federal University"

6) Biomedical Engineering Group

Our group carries out fundamental and applied research on the development of biochemical sensors and biologically active materials for medical diagnostics and tissue engineering applications. We have been developing selective bioelectrochemical methods for the detection of deoxyribonucleases, cellular metabolites and characterization of cellular membranes. These methods are of interest in the diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, as well as evaluation of toxicity and biocompatibility of novel substances. Another area we work in is studying biological activity and regenerative potential of synthetic polymeric materials on the basis of amphiphilic macromolecules.

Timur I. Abdullin, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry;

Senior Research Fellow, Research and Educational Centre of Pharmaceutics

Email: tabdulli@gmail.com

Phone: +7 843 2337821


1. Research and Education Center of Biomedical Technologies

2. It is founded in 2012.

3. Rresearch in the field of biochemistry, biomedicine, biotechnology and bioinformatics technologies to meet the challenges of education, science and economics in Tatarstan and Russian Fedration.

4.         The head of the Center prof., D. Sc. Abramova Zinaida Ivanovna, ziabramova@mail.ru

5.         Grant - Identifying the mechanisms of dysfunction of living systems in various pathologies, the "Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia" federal program for 2009-2013, the agreement on the application 2012-1.4-12-000-2022-005 ¹ 14.A18.21.2082.