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Trade Union Organization of Elabuga Institute of KFU

The trade union organization of Elabuga Institute of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University is part of the Tatar Republican Organization of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation, which is part of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education and the Federation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Tatarstan. At the same time, the Trade Union Organization of Elabuga Institute is part of the Trade Union Organization of workers of the Kazan Federal University.

The main activities of Trade Union Organization of Elabuga Institute are: provision of a decent standard of living, social and labor guarantees for employees of the institute, creation of conditions for improving the professional qualifications of employees, legal protection of trade union members, development of information technology in trade union activities, motivation of professional membership and work with youth.


The first information about an organization uniting workers in the education sector in Russia dates back to 1905. The founding Congress of the All-Russian Union of Teachers and Public Education Workers was held on June 7th -10th. The first mentions of teachers' associations on the territory of Tatarstan date back to 1906. The congress of teachers of the Buinsk district, at which it was decided to organize a trade union, took place on January 4th-5th, 1906 in the city of Buinsk (then still the territory of the Simbirsk province). A commission was established to develop the Charter, headed by M. Demyanov, a graduate of the Kazan Teachers' Institute. The independent Trade Union of workers of public education and science was formed in Russia in 1990, in connection with the disintegration of the USSR. The founding congress of the Trade Union was held in Moscow in September 1990. The Сharter of the Trade Union was accepted at the congress, and the governing bodies were elected. Vladimir Mikhailovich Yakovlev was elected the first chairman of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers. From 2005 to the present, the All-Russian Trade Union of Education has been headed by Galina Ivanovna Merkulova.

The primary trade union organization of Elabuga Institute of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University is the rightful successor to the primary Trade Union organization of Elabuga State Pedagogical Institute.

Main areas of work:

The Union protects the labor and social rights of citizens.

It provides free legal assistance and protects trade union members in matters of labor, socio-economic and professional rights, including in judicial and other government bodies.

It supervises the execution of labor protection of the union members.

It organizes holidays for KFU employees dedicated to: Victory Day, February 23rd, March 8th, May 1st, Day for the Elderly – October 1st, issuing children's New Year gifts and visiting New Year performances.

It participates in the conclusion of a collective agreement between the administration and the workforce, in which the trade union committee controls:

• labour relations

• labour protection

• remuneration

• social safety net

• working time and rest time

• organization of cultural and sports recreation on preferential terms

• improvement of living conditions of union members

• organization of catering.

The Trade Union Organization of Elabuga Institute of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation operates on the basis of: the Charter of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation.