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Department of Foreign Languages for Scientific Training Programs

Department of Foreign Languages for Scientific Training Programs ,Department of Foreign Languages for Scientific Training Programs

The Department of Foreign Languages for Natural Sciences is one of the structural subdivisions of the Higher School of Foreign Languages and Translation studies in Kazan Federal University (KFU).

The faculty of the Department includes 36 employees; among them are 2 Professors, 2 Doctors of Science, 11 Candidates of Science, 9 Associate Professors, 16 Senior Lecturers, 6 Lecturers, and 1 Laboratory Assistant.

The priorities of the Department:

-improving the quality of foreign language training of future specialists;

-development of scientific potential of the faculty;

-implementation of measures for the promotion of KFU in international subject rankings, in the fields of "Linguistics", and "Education";

-expansion of interdisciplinary scientific and educational research;

-enhance academic reputation of the teaching staff;

-expanding the range of additional educational services.

The Department provides foreign language training of students, undergraduates and graduate students of non-language areas in the following KFU institutes:

Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology

Engineering Institute

Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management

Chemical Institute, named after A. M. Butlerov

Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Technologies

The Department implements management of the postgraduate specialties:

10.02.20 comparative-historical, typological and contrastive linguistics. The post-graduate students are supervised by Doctor of Philology, Professor Khisamova V.N.

 13.00.01 - General pedagogics, history of pedagogics and education. The Doctor of Pedagogical Science, Professor A. A. Valeev, provides supervision of postgraduate students.

The Scientific school of the Department is implemented in the following areas:

10. 00. 00 Philological Sciences: specialties:

10.02.20 comparative-historical, typological and contrastive linguistics. 

(Professor Khisamova V.N., Associate Professor Habirova N.M., Associate Professor Voronina E.B., Associate Professor Kochemasova D.R., Associate Professor  Khismatullina L.G.,  external doctorate student Ismagilova A.R., senior lecturer Ibatulina L.M.);

10.01.03 Literature studies (senior lecturer Zabolotskaya A.R., sen.lecturer Kirpichnikova A.A., and sen.lecturer Linuchkina E.G.);

13. 00. 00 Pedagogical Sciences: specialties:

13. 00 01 General pedagogics, history of pedagogics and education (Professor Valeev A.A., assoc.prof. Kondratyeva I. G., assoc. prof. Arslanova G.A., assoc.prof. Usmanov T.R., assoc.prof. Segal N.G., assoc.prof.Plotnikova N.F., external doc.students Shakirova A.A. and Gizyatova L.A., grad. student Nazarova M.V., grad.student  Abdullina L.I.)