Garifullin Ruslan Ildarovich (архив)
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Research work
03.01.06 - Биотехнология (в том числе бионанотехнологии)
05.16.08 - Нанотехнологии и наноматериалы (по отраслям)
Quantity of published work in Scopus:
Quantity of reference on published work in Scopus:
Personal index of Hirsh:
Ishkaeva R.A, Salakhieva D.V, Garifullin R, A new triphenylphosphonium-conjugated amphipathic cationic peptide with improved cell-penetrating and ROS-targeting properties//Current Research in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery. - 2023. - Vol.4, Is.. - Art. №100148.
Пат. 2799310 Российская Федерация, С07К 5/107, А61К 38/07, А61Р39/06. Трифенилфосфониевые производные тетрапептида, обладающие антиоксидантной активностью / Т.И. Абдуллин, Р.А. Ишкаева, М.И. Камалов, Р.И. Гарифуллин, Д.В. Салахиева, А.В. Лайков. - № 2022134156; заявл. 23.12.2022 ; опубл. 04.07.2023, Бюл. № 19.
Metal-Chelating Self-Assembling Peptide Nanofiber Scaffolds for Modulation of Neuronal Cell Behavior
Dayob K, Zengin A, Garifullin R, Metal-Chelating Self-Assembling Peptide Nanofiber Scaffolds for Modulation of Neuronal Cell Behavior//Micromachines. - 2023. - Vol.14, Is.4. - Art. №883.
Zoughaib Mohamed, Pavlov Rais V., Gaynanova Gulnara A., Amphiphilic RGD and GHK peptides synergistically enhance liposomal delivery into cancer and endothelial cells//MATERIALS ADVANCES. - 2021. - Vol., Is.. - .
Zoughaib M, Luong D, Garifullin R, Enhanced angiogenic effects of RGD, GHK peptides and copper (II) compositions in synthetic cryogel ECM model//Materials Science and Engineering C. - 2020. - Vol., Is.. - Art. № 111660.
Luong T.D, Zoughaib M, Garifullin R, In Situ functionalization of Poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) Cryogels with Oligopeptides via β-Cyclodextrin-Adamantane Complexation for Studying Cell-Instructive Peptide Environment//ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2020, 3 (2), 1116
Akhmadishina, R.A., Garifullin, R., Petrova, N.V., Kamalov, M.I., Abdullin, T.I., “Triphenylphosphonium Moiety Modulates Proteolytic Stability and Potentiates Neuroprotective Activity of Antioxidant Tetrapeptides in Vitro”, Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2018, 9, article 115.
Akhmadishina R.A, Garifullin R, Petrova N.V, Triphenylphosphonium moiety modulates proteolytic stability and potentiates neuroprotective activity of antioxidant tetrapeptides in vitro//Frontiers in Pharmacology. - 2018. - Vol.9, Is.FEB. - Art. № 115.
D. S. Blokhin Spatial Structure of YRFK Peptides with Triphenylphosphonium Moiety by NMR Spectroscopy [text] / D. S. Blokhin, R. Garifullin, T. I. Abdullin, V. V. Klochkov // Modern development of magnetic resonance: Abstracts of the international conference - Kazan, september 24–28, 2018
Garifullin R, Blokhin D.S, Akhmadishina R.A, Effect of triphenylphosphonium moiety on spatial structure and biointeractions of stereochemical variants of YRFK motif//European Biophysics Journal. - 2018. - Vol.48, Is.1. - P.25 -34 .
Gulseren G, Tansik G, Garifullin R, Dentin Phosphoprotein Mimetic Peptide Nanofibers Promote Biomineralization//Macromolecular Bioscience. - 2018. - Vol., Is.. - .
Supramolecular Peptide Nanofiber Morphology Affects Mechanotransduction of Stem Cells, Biomacromolecules, 2017, 18 (10), 3114–3130
Akhmadishina R., Garifullin R., Kamalov M., Cytoprotective properties of triphenylphosphonium derivatives of oligopeptide.//MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL. - 2017. - Vol.28, Is.26. - P. 1872.
Akhmadishina, R., Garifullin, R., Kamalov, M., Abdullin, T., “Cytoprotective properties of triphenylphosphonium derivatives of oligopeptide”, Molecular Biology of The Cell, 2017 28, 3727 (Abstract P3582).
Susapto H.H, Kudu O.U, Garifullin R, One-Dimensional Peptide Nanostructure Templated Growth of Iron Phosphate Nanostructures for Lithium-Ion Battery Cathodes//ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. - 2016. - Vol.8, Is.27. - P.17421-17427.
Ghobadi A., Ulusoy T. G., Garifullin R., Guler M. O., and Okyay A. K., A Heterojunction Design of Single Layer Hole Tunneling ZnO Passivation Wrapping around TiO2 Nanowires for Superior Photocatalytic Performance, Scientific Reports, 2016; 6: 30587.
Garifullin R., Guler M. O., Self-assembling peptides mimic supramolecular biochirality//FEBS JOURNAL. - 2016. - Vol.283, Is.. - P.183-183.
Garifullin, R., Eren, H., Ulusoy, T. G., Okyay, A. K., Biyikli, N. and Guler, M. O., Self-assembled peptide nanofiber templated ALD growth of TiO2 and ZnO semiconductor nanonetworks. Phys. Status Solidi A., 2016, 213 (12), 3238-3244
R. Garifullin, M. O. Guler, Self-assembling peptides mimic supramolecular biochirality
Garifullin R., Guler M.O., “Supramolecular chirality in self-assembled peptide amphiphile nanostructures”, Chemical Communications, 2015, 51, 12470.
Garifullin R., Self-assembled Peptide Nanostructures in Materials Chemistry: Preparation of Nanostructured Materials, LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2015
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