Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, KFU
Khalilova Ajgul Fidailevna
Work address: 9 Parizhskoy Kommuny Str., Kazan, Academic and Research Centre of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology
Office number: 512
E-mail: ahalilova@gmail.com
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=k_aeRZYAAAAJ&hl=en&citsig=AMstHGTMoKa0oLb0kGD42fZMTpOBiIc5AA
Scientific and pedagogical experience:
 7 г 0 м 28 д   from 01.08.2011
General experience:
 10 г 10 м 24 д   from 01.02.2008
Experience in KFU:
 10 г 10 м 24 д   from 01.02.2008